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Treatments Available

A warm welcome awaits you in clinic

By appointment only

Please use the contact form below

Free Consultations 

​Nicole is always available for free consultations. She believes it's important that future clients  are able to have an informal chat about any potential treatments. Frequently clients know which areas of their bodies that they feel require treatment yet are unsure of the full range of options available.


Laser Hair Removal 


Affordable and quick treatments are available using the latest SmartDiode technology.


Injectable Treatments 


  •  Anti-wrinkle injections

  •  Dermal Filler

  • Skin Boosters

  • Polynucleotides

  • Microneedling


Topical Treatments - iS Clinical

Botanical, Multi - Tasking, Pharma Grade, Pregnancy Safe, Results-Driven  Treatments.


  • Foaming Enzyme Facial

  •  Fire & Ice Resurfacing Treatment

  • Mud Masque Facial 

  • Care Harmony Facial

  • Prodigy P2 & P3 Skin Peels



07538 094378

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